A python library for studying Calabi-Yau metrics.
cymetric is a Python package for learning of moduli-dependent Calabi-Yau metrics using neural networks implemented in TensorFlow. Install with
pip install git+
It consists of two modules
- One for generating points containing PointGenerators for CICYs and hypersurfaces in toric varieties from the Kreuzer-Skarke list.
- A collection of various tensorflow models learning corrections to the Fubini-Study metric.
The PointGenerator
Here is an example for the Fermat Quintic.
import numpy as np
from cymetric.pointgen.pointgen import PointGenerator
monomials = 5*np.eye(5, dtype=np.int64)
shape_moduli = np.ones(5)
vol_moduli = np.ones(1)
ambient = np.array([4])
dirname = 'fermat'
pg = PointGenerator(monomials, shape_moduli, vol_moduli, ambient)
kappa = pg.prepare_dataset(200000, dirname)
pg.prepare_basis(dirname, kappa = kappa)
The PhiFSModel
is Kähler by construction
\[g_{CY} = g_{FS} + \partial \bar\partial \phi\]and in the same Kähler class as the reference metric when the Kähler loss is enforced. Let’s find a metric for the Fermat.
import tensorflow.keras as tfk
from cymetric.models.tfhelper import prepare_tf_basis
from cymetric.models.tfmodels import PhiFSModel
from cymetric.models.metrics import *
data = np.load(dirname+'/dataset.npz'))
BASIS = prepare_tf_basis(np.load(dirname+'/basis.pickle'), allow_pickle=True))
weights = data['y_train'][:,0]
nn = tfk.Sequential([tfk.Input(shape=(10)),
tfk.layers.Dense(64, activation='gelu'),
tfk.layers.Dense(64, activation='gelu'),
tfk.layers.Dense(64, activation='gelu'),
tfk.layers.Dense(1, use_bias='False')])
model = PhiFSModel(nn, BASIS, kappa=kappa)
cmetrics = [TotalLoss(), SigmaLoss(), Volkloss()]
model.compile(custom_metrics = cmetrics, optimizer=tfk.optimizers.Adam())
history =
data['X_train'], data['y_train'], epochs=100, batch_size=64,
validation_split=0.1, verbose=1, sample_weight=weights