An OpenAI gym for studying heterotic line bundle models.
Heterotic line bundle models are the most succesful construction of realistic compactification for the heterotic string. The number of configurations to consider in systematic scans scales exponentially with \(h^{(1,1)}\). Hence, for larger values smart ways are needed to parse the landscape of possible configurations.
The Package
gymCICY lets you explore heterotic line bundle models via the successfull OpenAI gym interface. This python package contains two different settings to construct sums of line bundles. First, the stacking
environment, which simulates the systematic construction of line bundle sums via stacking of five line bundles. Second, in flipping
agents interact with the charges of the line bundles by either increasing or decreasing them with \(\pm 1\). You can install the package with
pip install --user git+
it uses the pyCICY package for the reward-computations.