A python CICY toolkit.

Calabi-Yau manifolds are an important ingredient in string theory compactifications. Their topological quantities can be related to, for example, the number of massless fermion generations in the four-dimensional theory. Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau (CICY) manifolds are one of the most common constructions. There are 7890 three-folds and almost a million four-folds.

The package

pyCICY lets you compute various quantites, such as Chern classes, triple intersection numbers or Hodge numbers of tangent and line bundles. It’s a python package mostly utilizing numpy for the underlying computations. Installation is straightforwad with pip. For the latest version install from github

pip install --user git+

The Quintic

Take for example the quintic manifold given by a homogeneous polynomial of degree five in \(\mathbb{P}^4\):

\[\mathcal{Q} \in [4|5]\]

We import the CICY module

from pyCICY import CICY
import numpy as np

define the configuration matrix as a numpy array and initialize a new CICY object

configuration_matrix = np.array([[4,5]])
quintic = CICY(configuration_matrix)

Next we can compute the Hodge numbers of a line bundle

\[h^\bullet (\mathcal{Q}, \mathcal{O}(3)) = (35,0,0,0)\]


line_bundle = [3]
>>> array([35.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

For a full list of functionality run:
