A collection of courses I have taught and students I supervised.
Lecture Series
- I have given a lecture series introducing neural networks and their applications to researchers in string theory at Uppsala University in Fall 2020. The material can be found here. It includes several notebooks reproducing results from recent papers. The topics covered are: (convolutional) neural networks, bias-variance tradeoff, (variational-) autoencoder and a brief introduction to reinforcement learning.
- During the terms VT2018 and VT2019 I taught the quantum physics course for second-year undergraduates at Uppsala University.
Master Students
I have (co-)supervised a number of master thesis projects.
- With Davide Passaro we built heterotic line bundle models on generalized Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds. This led to the following publication. His thesis can be found here.
- With Àlvaro Fernàndez we constructed numerical approximations of Calabi-Yau metrics. His thesis can be found here.